Office of Research and Institutional Effectiveness You are here: Home Document downloads About downloads Offices & Services downloads Research & Institutional Effectiveness downloads Office of Research and Institutional Effectiveness Core Institutional Performance Dataset AY 17File type: PDFSize: 62.83 KBDownload Description and Source of IndicatorsFile type: PDFSize: 65.87 KBDownload GraduationRates.pdfFile type: PDFSize: 31.76 KBDownload 2008GraduationTransferRates.pdfFile type: PDFSize: 42.34 KBDownload 2007GraduationTransferRates.pdfFile type: PDFSize: 39.54 KBDownload 2007SecurityReport.pdfFile type: PDFSize: 34.11 KBDownload 2006SecurityReport.pdfFile type: PDFSize: 33.29 KBDownload 2005SecurityReport.pdfFile type: PDFSize: 33.28 KBDownload TransferGPAComparisons.pdfFile type: PDFSize: 46.62 KBDownload KPI-ReportFile type: PDFSize: 301.37 KBDownload 2015 Equity in Athletics ReportFile type: PDFSize: 722.07 KBDownload 2014 Equity in Athletics ReportFile type: PDFSize: 938.04 KBDownload 2013 Equity in Athletics ReportFile type: PDFSize: 292.05 KBDownload 2012 Equity in Athletics ReportFile type: PDFSize: 882.29 KBDownload 2011 Equity in Athletics ReportFile type: PDFSize: 152.62 KBDownload 20th Day Demographics for Fall 2016File type: PDFSize: 25.09 KBDownload 20th Day Demographics for Fall 2015File type: PDFSize: 35.12 KBDownload 20th Day Demographics for Fall 2014File type: PDFSize: 39.69 KBDownload 20th Day Demographics for Fall 2013File type: PDFSize: 39.58 KBDownload 20th Day Demographics for Fall 2012File type: PDFSize: 19.04 KBDownload