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Pathways Navigation Initiative



META MAJORS - A program of study for students who feel they will major in an area (i.e. Humanities and Social Science), but don’t know the particular major under that umbrella area that they want to choose.  The first couple of semesters under these Meta-majors are going to be loaded down with general education requirements.  The hope is that after the first or second semester, the students within the Meta-majors will choose a degree within that Meta-major and begin following that degree’s plan.  A student DOES NOT have to ever be in a Meta-major if they know what they want to major in when they enroll for the first time.

GUIDED MAJOR PATHWAYS - These are basically updated versions of our current majors, but the courses will be sequenced either by semester or numbered 1-20 (preferable order).  If students know what they want to major in when they first enroll, they will declare that major and will follow a sequenced course of study to completion.


Science, Engineering and Math
Business and Industry
Education and Public Services
Health Science / Transfer Options
Health Certification Courses
Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Fine Arts and Communications


Lori Winningham

Gary Royse

Troy Nordman