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Leadership Studies

About the Leadership Studies Program

We strive to develop dedicated, responsible, involved, lifelong leaders who will make a significant difference in their business, community, organization, or state - both today and in the future.

The cornerstone of the above goal is our Leadership Studies program. We hope to:

  • Increase individual student's awareness of their own leadership potential.
  • Develop qualified leaders to serve in a variety of capacities (business, civic, church, etc.).
  • Foster and cultivate the attitudes, behaviors, and values associated with effective leadership.
  • Reward student volunteerism and service that gives back to the community, engages future leaders, and develops interpersonal skills.

This program is especially valuable because of its unique combination of academic and theoretical knowledge, with practical, hands-on leadership experience. Participants are encouraged to concurrently be active with student organizations or to utilize life, military, Service-Learning, volunteer, or work experience as a subject for class discussion, participative activities, and writing assignments.

Visit Student Involvement for information about getting involved in a student organization.

The Leadership Studies courses promote the values of equity, social justice, self-knowledge, personal empowerment, collaboration, citizenship and service. This program will empower students with the skills and attitudes necessary to be civic leaders. These courses are also a good supplement to any collegiate area of study.

Leadership Studies Courses

The Leadership Studies Program includes six Leadership Studies courses.
Leadership Studies (LS) courses available:
  • LS 101 Youth Leadership, 1 credit
  • LS 105 Engaging in Higher Education (AVID seminar), 3 credits
  • LS 150 Exploring Leadership, 3 credits
  • LS 160 The Emerging Leader, 3 credits
  • LS 220 Team and Community Building, 3 credits
  • LS 230 Leadership Development, 3 credits

Courses are offered in regular, face to face classroom settings or via online format.


A scholarship of $500 per semester is available to students enrolled in Leadership Studies courses and can be renewed for up to four semesters as long as eligibility is maintained (see below). Submission of a scholarship application is required through the Financial Aid office.

Scholarship Criteria (students must):

  • Maintain a minimum 2.5 grade point average.
  • Enroll in a Leadership Studies course or an approved 45-hour Service-Learning project per semester.
  • Be currently enrolled in nine credit hours.

Contact Us

Dr. Phil Speary
Dean of Academic Support & Effectiveness
Office: BOE 120A