International Student Community

Welcome, International Students!
Interested in coming to Butler? Fill out this form, and we will get in contact with you.
Why We Chose Butler...
Studying at Butler as an International Student...
Butler's main campuses are located in El Dorado & Andover, Kansas, just minutes from the greater Wichita area. Our geographical location helps provide a great experience for you while you are in the United States. From Butler, you don't need to travel far to reach downtown El Dorado, Wichita's Botanica Gardens, the Museum of World Treasures, Exploration Place or the Sedgwick County Zoo. The Salt Mine and Cosmosphere in Hutchinson are also a short distance away. Butler is close to other major U.S. cities, such as Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Dallas, Chicago and Oklahoma City.
Cost to Attend:
Estimated: $15,200 to attend a full academic year (2 years) to receive your full degree without summer classes. To attend summer classes (6 credits) is is an estimated $3,000. Read more about costs to attend.
New Overseas International Student (Seeking F-1 visa) Deadlines
Fall Semester: June 15
Spring Semester: November 15
To transfer from another school in the U.S.:
Summer 2016: May 24, 2016
Find more information on deadlines...
Read about our Admission Requirements